sukhino: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering
yoga: to sever our attachment to suffering
Yoga is a powerful tool to help us reach liberation. There are 4 paths in practicing yoga:
- Raja: The royal path, the path of action: includes lifestyle & the physical practice
- Karma Yoga: Selfless Service
- Bhakti: Devotion
- Jnana: The Study Of
I share this here as an intro that yoga includes the physical postures – the ‘pretzeling of the body’ and so much more.
My mission is contribute to the happiness and freedom of suffering to all, in some way, through my every thought, word, and action. One path of walking this walk is to share the teachings that have resonated so deeply with me in hope that you find what resonates with you so that you can then apply that in your life for your own personal healing & liberation. These are not my teachings, but simply a sharing of what I have learned from a long line of extraordinary teachers and with whom I continue to learn from each day.