Mantra / Chant Translations

Namaste! I love to chant in Sanskrit. I find that the tone resonates well with my vocal range, and I love chanting in a language in which I do not feel an egocentric attachment. Meaning, I can get a little wrapped in my head, sometimes, and find myself analyzing the lyrics of a song. Even if the song is in Spanish, I will find myself intellectualizing my understanding of the lyrics. And if it is in English, I can go way down that rabbit hole of over-thinking.

Not in Sanskrit, though. I have no ties, so can simply dive deeply into the sound, where it is resonating, what part of the vocal process is engaging and which energy centers are becoming engaged.

If you struggle with mantras that resonate with a deity or God different from your religion and/or background, or of a religion if you do not resonate at all, then consider the energy of the mantra. For example, in a mantra to Ganesh, the Hindu Lord of Knowledge and remover of obstacles, you might consider the energy in helping you to remove any obstacles standing in your way. If Ganesh is not a part of your leanings, that is OK, you can still draw upon that energy. Simply consider that as the energetic aspect of whichever Higher Source in which you do have a relationship.

And through learning to chant in Sanskrit, I have deepened my own relationship with English sounds as well as my own religious background. Though with that, you do not need to subscribe to any religion to benefit from these mantras – as they are all about the energy they draw upon. How is that for a full circle, lol?

Here is a collection of mantras I commonly use in my practices:

Asatoma Sadgamaya
This is a Shanti mantra, or a mantra of peace.

asato mā sadgamaya
tamasomā jyotir gamaya
mrityormāamritam gamaya
Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ 

as-ah-toe mā saad-ga-maya: from ignorance, lead me to truth
ta-ma-so-mā jyo-tir gaa-maya: from darkness, lead me to light
mri-tyor-māam-ri-taam gaa-maya: from death, lead me to immortality
Oṁ śhān-ti śhān-ti śhān-tiḥ:  Om, peace, peace, peace
Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Guru Ram Das, Guru
This is a mantra of humility - and should be practiced in reverence of our many blessings that the Universe gives us.
Gu-ru: the teacher or guide that brings one from the darkness to the light
Wa-hay: exclamation of ecstasy like 'WOW!'
Raam Das: Servant of God
The Anusara Invocation
This mantra sets the intention of devotion and recognition of the Divine within each of us and is a heart-centered mantra. 

Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
Saccidananda Murtaye
Nisprapancaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase

Om Na-mah Shi-vay-a Gu-ra-ve: I bow to the presence of the Divine within, remover or darkness
Sat-chi-da-nan-da Mur-ta-ye: Our true and highest teacher (consciousness bliss) in form
Nish-pra-pan-chai-ya Shan-tai-ya: That lives in and around us as
Being, consciousness and bliss. It is ever-present and radiates peace
Niir-ah-lam-ba-ya Tay-ja-say: Lighting the way to transformation.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
This is a mantra for happiness and peace to all sentient beings - with an emphasis on how we can contribute to that happiness and peace.

Lokah Samantha Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free from suffering and may our thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way that that happiness and freedom of suffering for all. Om, peace

Low-kah: location, realm, all universes existing now
Sa-ma-stah: all beings sharing that same location
Su-khi-no: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering
bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence
an-tu: may it be so, it must be so (antu used as an ending here transforms this mantra into a powerful pledge)

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
This mantra is to assist to balance and clear energy blockages in the root chakra as well as any inner or outer obstacles that are holding us back to get to our true self and fully realized potential. This mantra is a Ganesh mantra, imagine Ganesh as the friendly bouncer at a popular place - and you're the popular place. Ganesh is there to shield you from any negativity that is going to take you off your course.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Om: The Sound, the Vibration of the Universe, The Primordial Sound
Gam: The Seed Sound, or bija sound of Lord Ganesha
Gan-a-pa-tie-yay: Another name of Lord Ganesh, the one who overcomes of obstacles
Na-ma-ha: I offer you my salutations, I bow to you